Friday 25 January 2013


Ever since I can remember I have loved the movie going experience.  Not necessarily the movie going experience, but movies in general. Hense, why I chose this topic to blog about.  This blog isn't really going to be reviews, but a compilation of thoughts regarding films both new and old as well as events that are surrounding the film industry.  In short, this blog will be an outlet for me to talk about what is interesting me currently within the industry. 

Before I start blogging, I figure I should begin this blog with a little introduction as to who I am.  My name is Jeff Glockling and a current student at Sheridan College taking the Advertising & Marketing Management three-year program.  As I write this, I'm currently in my second year (second semester).  This blog is specifically for learning how to use Google Analytics, however I've decided to blog about film because I consider it my true passion.  Yes, I know that passion can come across as somewhat cheesy, but I'm just telling the truth.

It all started with "The Lion King".   I have to say, I'm not a huge fan of Disney movies.  In fact, out of all the movies I went to the theatre to see during my early childhood I can count about five Disney movies I wanted to see or was actually taken to see. However, what other movie were my parents going to take their kid to see at two-years-old? Yeah, I know, they were pretty ballsy to take a two-year-old to see a movie.  I don't particularly remember watching the movie, but I remember something that I haven't seen since; the curtains being pulled back to reveal the silver screen.  I often wonder why they don't do that many more. I believe something clicked that day.  Something that would last a lifetime. A feeling that every time I enter a theatre or popped a VHS, DVD, or Blu-Ray Disc into their respective machines, I could escape into another world for a few hours.  All of my insecurites, concerns, and stresses would leave me as I watched what unraveled on-screen.

I don't consider myself some sort of film elitist and I hope you don't either.  I try not to over-analyze what I see on the screen, but appreciate what the director, screenwriter, and cast has put together.  Although I do enjoy connecting the dots for the more "intellectual" films out there, I can draw the line between an art-house film like "Black Swan" and a popcorn pure-entertainment flick like "The Avengers".  Both are great films in their respective approaches.  What I'm ultimately hoping to bring to this blog is that happy medium of opinions or views with regards to various movies and industry trends.  If you're interested then I'm hoping you'll read on. 

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